September ended and so did my special day!
28th was my birthday and I had a beautiful day out!
First my Red dress!
My self-made red dress (will have a full post later)
and an awesome lunch out with my dearest buddy.
Some per-ordered novels! Gift to myself from Flipkart. Total 9 new novels! cool
Essentials for my wildlife trips and rides.
A gifted unisex jacket that I wanted since long and a shopped men's tee for utility purpose.
A beautiful gifted ceramic pot which I painted of birds! Isn't looking wow! It goes on my book shelf.
A personalized card and carnations I loved. I'm used to these traditional gifts <3
A pretty earring from my friend and a b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l sketch of me by my nephew!! Ohhh WOW
A family evening full of good food, laughter, late night gossips, get-together and the feeling of being loved and blessed by my dear ones ! Some folks were missed too :(
What do I need more?
Life has been good since my last left job and birthday! Have learned a lot, traveled & explored, experienced new things, met new people, extended hobbies, solidified craft work, serious-ed photography work, lazed a lot, worked too and overall had a good time :-)