Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Appple Jam !!

Continuing from previous post, here's the 'APPLE JAM':

It is sweet but with hints of spice (black pepper)



All it has is sugar and lemon juice to preserve. Black pepper from my side (Indian touch!).
Do not forget to try!

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Kiwi Jam :-)

I'm back from a girl's trip out to Shimla and it was super fun!

This 1st post of November goes to some easy recipes I tried out of the fruits I bought from Shimla.

I had got Kiwis and Golden Apples that's a local fruit for there but not my place, so had got plenty of it but it got over-ripen and squishy till I reached home. Some we had raw, rest I turned into jams. These are simply made by adding sugar and lemon juice to fruits.

 Presenting 1st of the two jams:   KIWI JAM

It was easy and absolutely delicious. YUM!

  Stay tuned for apple jam! Do leave comments :-)