Thursday, 16 June 2022

Travel 2022

Last time I had a blogpost was in 2018 and now its 2022. I have travelled to a lot of places in between but I was just too lazy to pen down anything. 

Instead of going back to all that travel journeys, which I'll do sometime, lets start with fresh travel tales.

So the first trip of 2022 after the pandemic situation looked a bit in control was a drive from Bhubaneswar to Puri. 

I was still new to driving and I was truly excited for this trip. I also wanted to check on my long driving skills.

So two of my friends and I start out journey. Suchi was ready to take over driving in case I feel exhausted. Or anyways she wanted to drive in between too. So we shared the load. 

We took a lot more time than it was supposed to take because we were obviously going slow!

Some snapshots from the trip: